Fundación Lúminis at Social Compromise for Education

15 agosto 2016

On Tuesday, August 9, Fundación Lúminis took part in, as a member of the Grupo Afinidad  por la Educación (GAE) (Affinity for Education Group) within the Grupo de Fundaciones y Empresas (GDFE) (Foundations and Corporations Group), a meeting organized by the Argentinean Ministry of Education and Sport. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the lines of action of the Social Compromise for Education program, in order for participating NGOs to evaluate the possibility of contributing with ideas. The plan proposes the extension of the secondary school day for 72 municipalities accross the country.

The meeting was held at the Palacio Pizzurno, offices of the Argentinean Ministry of Education and Sport, and was conducted by Max Gulmanelli, Secretary of Educational Management, and Noel Zemborain, in charge of Public-Private Alliances. GAE was represented by the executive director of GDFE, Carolina Langan, together with representatives of 7 NGOs.

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