1st Latin American congress for teachers of English | 39º Annual FAAPI conference: “EFL: teaching & learning in the post methods era” en Santiago del EsteroFinalizado

6 mayo 2014

Organiza: Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Santiago del Estero (APISE) y la Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Profesores de Inglés (FAAPI)
Lugar: Centro de Convenciones Provincial de Santiago del Estero (FORUM) (Perú 510, Ciudad Capital)
Fecha: 18, 19 y 20 de septiembre 2014
Inscripción: Hasta el 30/05 de 2014 completando este formulario.
Fecha límite para el envío de trabajos: hasta el 20/05 de 2014.
Destinatarios: profesores, estudiantes de profesorado e investigadores.
Actividad arancelada

One of F.A.A.P.I.’s, Argentine Federation of English Teachers’ Associations & A.P.I.S.E.’s, Santiago del Estero English Teachers’ Association mission statements is to foster and encourage continuing development and growth among teachers of English. The 2014 Conference will bring together ELT professionals from Argentina, Latin America and other countries to discuss, reflect and develop their ideas on the proposed themes. It will also allow delegates to enjoy professional networking by exchanging experiences informally and/or presenting and debating their views with over 1,000 delegates.

EFL Teaching & Learning in the Post Methods Era


  • Teaching and learning of EFL in different institutional contexts and levels
    • Learner perspective: processes, outcomes, strategy use, learner characteristics
    • Teacher perspective:
      • practices, discourse, beliefs
      • interventions on learners’ processes actions, discourse, beliefs
  • Materials development
  • Alternative forms of assessment
  • Language policies and Curriculum development
  • Teacher Development
  • ICTs in the ELT Classroom

General guidelines

Please, read the instructions below before proceeding.

All presenters should be registered at the Conference by 30/05/2014

IMPORTANT: Please read Reglamento Congreso FAAPI Chapter 2: Academic matters at http://www.faapi.org.ar/informacion/congreso-faapi/reglamento/

Types of presentations:

1. Paper

A paper tells the participants something about what the presenter is doing or has done in relation to theory and practice. Time: 25-minute Paper + 5-minute Q & A.

2. Workshop

A workshop is a session in which there is active audience participation via the experiencing and discussing of tasks suggested by the presenter(s). Most of the time available should be devoted to demonstrating materials or activities that have been developed and tried out by the presenter(s). Theoretical discussion is usually kept to a minimum. Time: 55-minute Workshop + 5-minute Q & A

3. Discussion group

A discussion group provides an opportunity for a group of individuals (typically three to five) to propose a specific issue or topic in the field of the Conference themes and examine it from a variety of perspectives. Total presentation time is limited to 50 minutes to ensure that at least part of the session engages presenters and the audience in extended dialogue. The lead presenter is responsible for contacting all co-presenters with information concerning the Conference and presentations. All presenters should be registered at the Conference before the given deadline.

4. Good practice report

A good practice report describes exemplary classroom experiences and lessons learnt when teaching English to a variety of students, ranging from very young learners to adults. Teachers will participate in groups of not more than 10. Each group will deal with a certain instructional topic, for example: descriptions of teaching materials, experiences at different institutional contexts, ESP and Teacher Education across different proficiency levels. Each teacher will be allotted 5 minutes to tell their story, through which they will share the why, what and how of their best teaching practice.

To submit a proposal, please complete the Presenter’s Form Download Here!

Presenters should complete the Presenter’s Form attached stating the type of presentation and listing the title and area of their presentation.

This form includes:

  1. Title, subtheme, and type of presentation.
  2. Author(s), author affiliations (including FAAPI Association membership if applicable, ID Number, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, and a 50-word biodata.
  3. A 75-word abstract of their presentation. The abstract will appear in the conference programme. It should accurately reflect the content of what presenters are going to talk about as it is on the basis of the abstract that participants will choose whether they wish to attend the session. (Abstracts which are over 75 words cannot be considered for inclusion in the programme).
  4. A summary of approximately 250 – 350 words that provides a clear understanding of the presentation’s content. The summary should outline exactly what presenters are going to talk about in the session and how the session will be structured. The summary will be used for blind evaluation by the academic committee and will not appear in the conference programme.

Your proposal will be considered for publication if it fulfills the following criteria:

  • It is related to the Conference main themes and subthemes (see above)
  • You have not given this session, or a version of this session, at a previous academic event.
  • It is clear from your summary that you have something new to say or that you plan to shed new light on a topic which has been aired at other conferences and in print. It should also be clear that you have taken into account the level of knowledge of the expected audience you indicate in the presenter’s form.
  • If your presentation relies heavily on a description of your local situation, ensure that you discuss either the implications for people working in similar contexts, or its general relevance.
  • Proposals with more than one author will be included in the programme only if all the authors are registered at the conference before the given deadline for presenters.

NB: Receipt of proposals will be acknowledged. If presenters do not receive acknowledgement within 15 days of having sent their proposals, they should re-send all materials. To avoid duplication of materials, presenters are encouraged to wait 15 days before resubmitting the materials.

Presenter’s Form should be sent to callforpapers.faapi2014@gmail.com

Proposals submission deadline: 20/05/2014

Selected Papers from the Conference will be published digitally.

Authors whose evaluation forms recommend publication are invited to submit a paper based on their presentation (between 2,500-3,200 words, inclusive of references, tables, and appendices) before 15th July. These papers will be reviewed by the Selected Papers editors who will inform authors whether their articles are accepted as is, accepted with modifications, or rejected. This process is different from inclusion in the conference programme, that is, a presentation may be included in the programme but the paper may not be part of the Selected Papers. This is due to the different nature and aims of an oral presentation and an academic manuscript. Note that the ultimate decision to include a contribution is in the hands of the Editors. The Selected Papers e-book will only include between 20-22 papers. Papers should be submitted by no later than 15thJuly to callforpapers.faapi2014@gmail.com

Instructions for manuscript preparation:

  • Include a title, authors, and affiliation (i.e. one institution where you work/study)
  • Use Times New Roman 12, double spaced, unjustified
  • Do not include an abstract
  • Avoid footnotes; if necessary place them at the end of the manuscript
  • Divide your text into numbered sections with headings
  • Include captions for your figures and tables
  • Use APA 6th ed for in-text as well as full references. Please visit http://bit.ly/XePVK andhttp://bit.ly/QrmdV0

Selected Papers submission deadline: 15th July, 2014

Más información: http://apise.org.ar/apise/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=87


Arturo M. Bas 22, 1° Piso of. “D”, Ciudad de Córdoba, Pcia. de Córdoba

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